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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Bye-Bye Google Reader

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Well, like the rest of you I am working hard to figure out what to do when Google Reader goes away!    I had a bit of a rough start to this school year and this blog has suffered (life is back to normal now).....but all this discussion on Google Reader etc...has inspired me to get back at it!  Which is a great thing!  I spent a little time using Feedly this week, and although it is super slick, I think I like the Bloglovin interface better!  So, I transported everything over there - I really like it!  Even though I haven't been posting, I have been reading and I love reading about & seeing all that goes on in you art rooms!

Tomorrow is my Youth Art Month Exhibit so I will back tomorrow with my "Grand Re-Opening" post at Art on the Move!


Anne Farrell said...

Google Reader is going away? Why?

Susan Bivona, Art Teacher said...

Because Google can do what it wants to do : (
Do a quick search or read a few other of your favorite blogs and you can read all the BUZZZZ!

J.ham said...

I found your blog via Bloglovin'

I too was faced with the same situation. But hey, at least bloglovin' is doing its job and finding you more followers. ;)


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