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Monday, August 27, 2007


I told you not to worry!

I arrived at school this morning to a wonderful surprise -- the new tables for the ART ROOM have arrived and they are BEAUTIFUL!!! The stools arrived too...and so did all of the supplies! Now all we need are the students -- I can't wait for everyone to see this amazing STUDIO that we will be working in!!! Enjoy this last week of SUMMER and I will see you soon!
~ Mrs. Bivona

Friday, August 03, 2007

Movin' the ART ROOM!

Well, it has been a long wait -- but well worth it! I walked into the ART ROOM for the first time yesterday. It is AWESOME, I am so excited to have this beautiful space where the young artists of Mount Prospect School can now come and create -- it is going to be a VERY exciting year!

Don't worry that you only see one table in this photo, the tables have not arrived yet! We will be all set for September.

I truly cannot wait for this year to start, having a space for our students and myself to work is going to be a wonderful experience for everyone.

Can't wait to see you in September! Mrs. Bivona

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